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London intelligent traffic lights to control traffic flow
Release date: 2015/8/3 8:47:16 Views : 1016

London Olympic Committee CEO Keith Mills says it plans to use the designated car equipped with GPS equipment assessment, the average time to detect various streets through the city needed, and use CCTV intelligent transportation system in London to develop appropriate solutions in all IOC program. It is reported that the solution will be integrated into the current transportation system in the past.
Future congestion is expected to pass the program real-time detection of the road, rather than the traditional model prescribed red for a few seconds the green light for a few seconds, smarter urban traffic control system will bring smooth traffic environment. Of course, this as part of the infrastructure of the London Olympic Committee plans to install wireless WiFi access in the subway, in a more regional network signals covering a series of measures. It is reported that Vanity Fair reported that investment in infrastructure will reach between $ 3.9 billion to $ 18 billion.

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